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has anyone ever used 2 way radios for helmets? i was looking into getting some, but i dont know if they work. i didnt know if this was the right place for this post
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i ve got a couple set from collet and they work good 2 mile range
New member
where did you get them?
New member
Read up on them, lots of guys give up because the engine noise interferes with the mic.
My wife and I use the colletts when my two sons are with..they work almost too good! If you play with the adjuster on them, the noise can almost be eliminated.
New member
i googled collet, and it came up as radio packages for helmets, but they were like 300 bucks. did it cost you that much?
Wow, they've gone up since I tried them. I didn't like them but that is likely more because I'm spoiled with the cricle track stuff we use in the summer.
New member
yes they are a little pricey, i bought mine off craigs list for 125.00 for a pr complete
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I use throat mic with the tub in the ear on a pair of Cobra GMRS radios. Its not a clear as it could be but useable. These are the highest power radio Cobra makes but they are extremely poor range as well. No Roger Beep at the end of the transmission and the PTT on the unit doesn't work on either unit 70% of the time. the wired ear PTT works but you have to stop and squeeze the button. The throat mic unit is the best if the radio and unit are good. But alas the radios really suck. Maybe two miles or twice as far as the old Motorola Microtalks I have at a fraction of the power.
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New member
We have Chatterbox x-1's and they are the best you will find. We started with the chatterbox frs multisports and they were great, after about 6 or 7 years they started getting crackly so we decided to go with the Collett 900's and they were garbage compared to the chatterbox! We ended up giving them away because we felt so bad about asking money from someone for them. We spent the money on the x-1's and they are worth every penny! the sound is great the communication is great and the range is about 5 miles. If you can afford them, get them! otherwise try the chatterbox multisports.