Anybody used Legend ZX-2 oil?


New member
Nov 30, 2004
northern michigan
Just curious as I've heard it burns very clean and smells good.I'm a long time Amsoil user and think it works good, but don't like the smell.To me its terrible at times and my riding gear really stinks which has made me think of switching.Any feedback would be great on your experiences.

Just goggled it i would pass on this oil it's a TC-W3(marine)spec mineral based oil nothing to wright home about stick with Ams.
I run it in my race sled. It mixes very well with fuel, and does not dry out motors like Amsoil interceptor does when run hard.
interceptor is NOT for race apps...that's not what it was designed for,BUT....i hardly would think a synthetic base oil(interceptor) would "dry out"/ burn off Vs a cheap mineral based oil like above in hot running engines,that's where a syn shines in under extreme conditions /heat situations.

stick with amsoil and enjoy that sweet smell.....
Take apart a trail motor that was run hard with Interceptor. Everything is pretty dry. I will never run it again.
valin said:
Take apart a trail motor that was run hard with Interceptor. Everything is pretty dry. I will never run it again.
I have valin,any 2 stroke running is a hard ran engine,they live a harsh life tons of RPM's not arguing with you at all just pointing out my obserations and dealings with this oil. Synthetics are where it's at,if oil pump is set properly your good to go.

last post we dont need another my oil is bigger then your oil thread,lol ;)!

use what you think is best for your application......
The Legend oil I'm referring to carries a JASO FC rating I believe.This fall I did pistons and rings on my sled and it looked pretty good in there overall for a engine with 8600+ miles.Upon initial disassembly everything had a light coating of oil on everything, but this was with Hp injector which is technically a outboard oil.I have run Intercepter in years past and did'nt think it smelled much better though.Valin does that Legend oil have a good smell and burn clean?I've just wondered if I could get something cleaner burning or am I just splitting hairs.Other than the strong smell I really can't knock that Hp injector especially for the price and I run this sled pretty hard over the years and all those miles.
I am convinced that the oils offered by Legend are some of the best 2-stroke snowmobile oils available. I would caution against writing them off simply because they are mineral based oils. There are benefits to mineral based oils that are often overlooked with the widespread interest in "synthetic" oils. The mineral base of these oils is very highly refined, where most other mineral based 2-stroke oils are not. This oil burns very clean, even cleaner than most "synthetics" due to the highly refined base. Remember that the oil in a 2-stroke not only lubricates, but must be burned with the fuel as well.

Maybe some of our resident chemical engineers would care to analyze this oil deeper.
Legend oils were the "Produmax" of old. Mark Zaic of Legend Performance acquired the Produmax line of two stroke oils. It was a good oil back then and is one of the better oil's today.
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Interesting guys I really appreciate all the feedback.I may stop and see him over there sometime as Traverse City is not that far from me and I get over there from time to time.I remember Produmax oil and some local shop carried it, but it received very little publicity and I did'nt know anybody who used it.I just wrote it off as some low end off brand.
