enticer 340 /hard pack to powder


New member
Dec 7, 2009
enticer 340 /hard pack to powder problem

hi i really want to get this problem fixed. my enticer 340 really goes good on hardpacked snow, but as soon as i hit powder i have to fight with it to keep it running, my friend has the same sled and his goes through it easily, no trouble at all and i want mine to do the same . please does anyone got any answers?
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it has about 1/2 inch left, but wouldnt it just spin then ?not bog right down?
no offence to jert2 but he is wrong. i went through this on my et410. tried setting the secondary and it made no difference. i finally got pissed off and replaced the primary clutch spring. it cured my powder bog. it was not broken, just weak.

so my recomendation is to replace the primary clutch spring and check all the weights, bushings and rollers for wear.
i got the same deal with my 340. goes on the hardpack but not in the powder. pulses in the high rpm too. fuel lines are new and checked everything top to bottom.
enticer 340 acceleration noise

hi , i was wonder if anyone could help me with my 340 problem. if i take off slowly and build my rpm it is fine but if u punch it you can hear a grind and it feels like something isnt catching. it is only at the start of the acceleration.after you get past 25km/h you can hit the gas as hard as you want and it willl be fine. also what should i use to reseal the header to the muffler . there was the fireproff packing but it just gets blown out all the time.
