91 exciter..runs like crap and it's not even on fire!


New member
Jan 30, 2007
Ok. . my buddy Trevor has a 91 exciter 570..all stock, stock jets, starts up nice and easy but won't rev past 5800 or so and just kinda bobbles around and won't rev clean at all. ..to really describe what it sounds like is the choke is on . . .. .it seems to run better when cold and takes off alright but very quickly will die out and bog real bad to the point of not even engaging the clutch to move itself along. .. .one odd thing is if you shut the gas off it seems to clean up and run halfway decent again until gas runs out. . then ya turn the gas on and it does it again.. thoughts anyone???. . tried plugs and new gas..little fiddling with carbs and choke to no avail. .wires on carb bottoms are cut but are there any other parts to the the electronic throttle system? that could have any affect??.. .tors? . whatever it's called?. . anyway. .. all along I'm saying jetting/needles... . something fuel .. .mainly as when gas get's shut down it cleans up .. . . . .but a diagnostic guy I am not so seeking a little help here. .. . .and the storm of the year is on the way tomorrow so he's gettin' anxious to figure this thing out. . . . . . any help will be greatly appreciated . . ..thanks guys. . .
you need to look at the carbs (clean/sync) make sure the floats move freely and all jets are in place. just a thought
i would think that the needle and seats are full of crap and not able to stop the bowls from over filling or they are just worn out and need to be replaced.by shutting off the fuel you are doing what the needle and seats should be doing automatically when the float bowl reaches the proper level of fuel.
Check the springs on the choke in each carb. Mine did that when I had it, the choke plungers weren't returning after using the choke lever to start it when cold. I replaced the springs and all was well again.

And if you haven't had the carbs apart to clean and check things out, pilots, mains, float setting, and needles and o-rings, this definitely needs to be done.
Unplug the TORS system and plug them back into themselves creating a loop. This will solve the issue.
