Safety question.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
East Greenbush Ny
Hey all,
I was doing a little cleaning of the carbs on my Exciter. The one slide must not have been in the right "groove". I went to start and the sled wanted to take off. It spit out the dolly under the track even though the brake was on. I figured out the right way the slide dropped back in the body and everything is OK now. On previous sled it seemed like it could only go in one way. Isn't there supposed to be some sort of safety switch so that can't happen? Maybe previous owner disconnected at one time. I would not really sweat it but my son and wife ride it from time to time. Don't want it to stick and some point and have them panic! Thanks
Not trying to be a wise guy, that was kind of my question. What should I be looking for to make sure it is hooked up correctly? Are there wires to the carbs or what? I assume TORS is an open throttle safety switch? Thanks.
Mine are too old but expect newer sleds to have a pin that touches the
pivot hinge pin on the lever ...If you are not touching the trigger. the
pin pushes a switch and snuffs the engine or lets it idle...
I think my "newer" 93 VK has it mounted at the carb....
Always check for that "snap" back on the carb and cable is tight
as :"normal" before pulling the rope I guess..
Oh OK! One more stupid question. How can I tighten the cable so the flipper closes tight against the bar? Or is it related to the spring in the carbs?
I believe that year (are these the Mikunis with the antifreeze system?) has three elements to the TORS. The first being the contact at the throttle lever (thats the free play you feel before it pulls cable...) the second and third points are located on the side of each carb which should look like a hexnut with two contacts sticking out. Many of these are sliced off by previous owners.
It's under the antifreeze block (drivers right side of the carb). Could be a knurled thumbscrew instead of a hex nut. the switch sticks out about an inch and the leads would be at the end of it...
