phazer bog

480 phazer

New member
Nov 14, 2009
just bought a 86 phazer and tried it out today and bottom end is great but it gets to 5500 rpm and just bogs. even on a stand it does the same thing.clutches seem to be fine and i did NOT clean the carbs.should i clean carbs and put new springs in the clutches? any and all info is helpful. ps anybody have a cheap aftermarket pipe for a phazer. thanks
480 phazer said:
just bought a 86 phazer and tried it out today and bottom end is great but it gets to 5500 rpm and just bogs. even on a stand it does the same thing.clutches seem to be fine and i did NOT clean the carbs.should i clean carbs and put new springs in the clutches? any and all info is helpful. ps anybody have a cheap aftermarket pipe for a phazer. thanks
I have an Aaen pipe in excellent conditon for $125..... I would clean the carbs and try a new belt!
