Alright, so I got to thinking the other night about my sled and the shambles it's in. Basically the motor is not running right and its getting up there in miles. Soooo what I was thinking was putting the 540 fanner out of my XL-V in it and running like a phazer 500 exhaust. Now my question is.... Does this even seem remotely possible? I understand that anything can be done but I want it to be a reliable little ditch banger ya know?! I had the two sleds side by side and it looks like the motor will fit in there but might be just a tad too tall. would i be better off just finding a 500 motor and all the accessories? Is the 700 pipe and can the same as the 500's?
Alright guys (and maybe gals) discuss away but I would really like some input/feeback/advice/ideas on this.
Alright guys (and maybe gals) discuss away but I would really like some input/feeback/advice/ideas on this.

VIP Member
What's wrong with the 700?? Why not rebuild it... those triples are da bomb, not sure why you want to put a 540 fan in an sx... The 500 won't get nearly the same gas mileage as the 700.
New member
fix whats wrong with the 700 and leave it at that, dont put a fan motor in a liquid cooled sled... And its probably easier to fix the 700 motor than to custom mount the fanner and changing carbs, wiring, exhaust, etc, alot more work for a disappointment
i'm sick of the 700 and the maintnance that comes with it. I dont have the money to rebuild the motor and havent been able to ride the sled in 2 years. I cant figure out whats wrong with it and i'm getting sick of trying to fix a mystery problem. I think i'll just ride the XL-V and ditch the SX. Anyone want a cheap sled that doesnt run?
New member
540 fan
I have a '80 XLV (stored), the 540 was bullet proof. Used hardly any oil at all compared to today's sleds. The SX probably does not have enough ventilation in the hood, and the power is nil compared to the 700. How many miles on the 700?
I have a '80 XLV (stored), the 540 was bullet proof. Used hardly any oil at all compared to today's sleds. The SX probably does not have enough ventilation in the hood, and the power is nil compared to the 700. How many miles on the 700?