700 mm air/fuel pilot scew help


New member
Dec 20, 2009
Columbia Falls Montana
Running a 99' and 00' 700 mm. Starting 99' up and running it for first time has dead center cyl. till over half throttle than sled flies. Some times would back fire every now and again on acceleration before clearing out and running right. Has pipes and reeds. Has spark when pull starting. Thinking dirt in primary circuit. Was going to take carb. of and remove screw and float bowl and clean out. Since I have two of these sleds was interested in any tips or if someone had a set of remote adjusters they'd be interested in selling?

Also would be interested in opinions as to weather to drill the additional air holes into the the air box lids and baffles.

I would at least pull out your carbs and clean them. And then keep an eye on your plugs when first riding. I love these sleds (have three of them), but have caused myself much headaches and wallet pain by not doing this to new (to me) sleds, or first out of summer storage before putting miles on them. My .01 1/2 c.
i have a homemade set of remote adjusters, for the cost of shipping only(under 5 bucks, usps) available to the first person to pm me claiming them.only available after the holiday.
Thanks for info. Pulled carbs and did find one jet with what looked like a small piece of white plastic stuck in it. As a precaution pulled and cleaned carbs on both this my 99" and my 00" and checked all reeds (vforce) all looked ok but of course tore one gasket for reeds on my 00". Called Yamaha and local dealer wanted $66 for one gasket (higher quality) called vforce and they're mailing me 4 plain paper style for around $15.
