Im looking to replace a few studs on a stock 01 SRX track. The studs are the 5/16 type. What is everybody putting the torque at on the nut?
Also, by looking at the picture, can anybody guess what length my studs are? I have no clue since I bought the sled used. The sled is in Michigan and I only have pictures the seller sent me.
Also, by looking at the picture, can anybody guess what length my studs are? I have no clue since I bought the sled used. The sled is in Michigan and I only have pictures the seller sent me.
tomseal6 said:Im looking to replace a few studs on a stock 01 SRX track. The studs are the 5/16 type. What is everybody putting the torque at on the nut?
Also, by looking at the picture, can anybody guess what length my studs are? I have no clue since I bought the sled used. The sled is in Michigan and I only have pictures the seller sent me.
Sorry Tom I can't give you an exact torque spec, but I run the nut down until I feel it contact the shoulder of the stud and give it roughly another 1/8 turn. With nylock nuts just making sure the nut is run down to the shoulder is whats important. I use a shorty ratchet so I'd guess they're 20-30 lb/ft.
As for size, I would guess if it has the stock drivers they're either 1.075" or 1.175". If there is no nicking of the rear HX, and since it's a stock .920" track, they're probably 1.075" and that's what I'd recommend.
Those backers are plastic and I was thinking about re-using them. they are all in good shape.
I was thinking about going to 1.125 studs.. It is the stock track and stock drivers.
I was thinking about going to 1.125 studs.. It is the stock track and stock drivers.

the guide from woody's states 15 ft/lbs which equals 180 in/lbs.