
reddog mmax 700

New member
Feb 1, 2004
cape breton canada
hey guys my 01 mmax is not putting out any fire at the plug coming out of the stator. is there a way of testing it with out taking it out? and also what wires should i put the tester on? and does any one have a stator they would like to sell?
Grab your voltage meter set on DC volts use the 20v scale, conect the probes to the stator leads doesnt matter what way then pull the rope watch the meter, should be putting out some sort of voltage,it probably won't be a allot because your not turning the engine over very fast, but it will tell you if its working atleast.

we could Ohm it too and see whats it shows but try the above test first.
You have the 18 pole 300w stator so anyother sled 2001 and newer 700cc and then 2002 up 700 or 600cc VM,MM,SX stator. will work

check part numbers....
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