hard wire GPS to SRX with no battery?

GPS takes hardly any juice to run, but the connector in the back is probably a USB which only runs at 5 volts.

I would consider putting in a capacitor like those found in car audio shops to reduce the spikey voltages and wire in a cigarette lighter plug as if you were connecting it to a car. As to where you find the 12 volt source for your car charger, you could tap into your headlight wires. That way no GPS wires are cut and you can still use it in your car.
check my post on the GPS site here.....I just did it on my sxr and was easy,,,,,, well it works and with a little reving of the sled it still works will not know untill I take it out for a real spin if it al works though..... no snow is saskatchawen yet.
