My secondary sled (MXZ700) just quite on me? ANY IDEAS?


New member
Dec 17, 2009
Moose Lake, MN
Well... my luck has been crap. First, a few days ago hitting the cinder blocks that someone so thoughtfully placed across the trail and now this;

While riding across the lake on my 2000 Ski-Doo MXZ 700, doing about 50, it all of a sudden started slowing down for no reason.... then stopped, shut itself off. I pulled it, it fired and was running rough... gave it a tiny bit of gas, not enough to make it move, she almost did kind of a backfire thing out of the exhaust. Then, if I gave her anymore gas, or even just flipped the choke on... she shut off! I walked home (WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF A LAKE 4 miles away....) and went and bought brand new spark plugs, put them in when I got back out to her and nothing...pulled and pulled and pulled, fired once when I gave her a bit of throttle while pulling... then shut off again/died out immediately!!!! I'm 100 percent dumbfounded.... This is why I normally only ride yamaha!!!!! Any ideas? :beer: :beer: :beer:
Hate to deliver bad news, but it could be a scored piston. It could have been running lean in the midrange - plugged carb(s) or wrong settings or parts. Take a compression test or take off the exhaust Y pipe and look at the pistons.

It does have gas in it - right?
Bringing it to shop tomorrow... will keep posted. Been running flawlessly for the last week.... and had it running for an hour today prior to this happening. Called a shop while I was on the lake, the said the same thing... BUT said even if one piston went, the other would still be enough to put it off the lake. BUT, couldn't explain the sled shutting itself down, and dying if I gassed it instead of putting along... My mechanic says he thinks the needle or something like that is plugged???? After I put the new plugs in, it wouldn't even fire so... I'm wondering if it's plugged as well, and the gas cut out??? GOD I HOPE SO, LOW MILES, MINT CONDITION and ALWAYS RAN IN MN... so I don't know why it would run lean, AND the one mechanic said to check plugs... if gray or white, means lean.... one was brown, the other black...???? So I'm out of guesses until it's apart. 3/4 of a tank of gas in it still, yeah... but acted as if it had run out of gas the way it died.... but when fired back up (THE FEW TIMES IT ACTUALLY WOULD) ran rough and died or back fired kinda when I throttled it.
Sounds like you lost a piston.. Pull the head off and check

Your having some terrible luck this year. Did you get all the parts needed for your SRX?
I sure as heck hope it's one of the cheaper listed above... You're right about the luck:

First 2 weeks ago, my ZR500 race/mod sled just quite moving on my wife... the track was 3 inches loose and came off alignment...
Few days after that bought the SRX... 2nd day out, hit the bricks on the trail... carnage
Now the MXZ.... man... hope this bad ending to the year is the welcoming of a GOOD year to come... how much bad luck can I have! Better not ask... lol Thanks for all the help guys/ladies/peoples :)

As to the parts for the SRX... Yes, got what I needed at the local salvage yard, and in perfect condition. AND AT HALF THE PRICE most were asking on here... lol :) The one part that I ordered off Ebay however, HAS NOT showed yet :( Paid Friday... :o|
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So... here's the deal:

Right hand piston jacked up, ruined cylinder and fused itself. Also found the left had side is loosely in the cylinder, can shake it side to side! So, engine's tore apart completely now... Just bought new cylinder. NOW the question is, anyone know where to get Ski-Doo piston kits and full engine gasket kits... CHEAP? Man even on ebay it's rape! Just paid almost 400 on the cylinder... ALMOST... lol, got lucky and found a new one for 200.00 with my core but I'm laid off... even have my SRX for sale now!
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You should have sent the Cyl. to US Chrome. They can bore and replate the Cyl. and supply the pistons and gaskets. I rebuild a couple cats and a polaris last winter and use this company. Price was very good in my idea. Al
Darn. I paid 200 for a brand new one through local salvage yard... with my core. THOUGHT THAT WAS A HELL OF A DEAL for the cylinder! But no piston kits and gaskets.... GRRRRRRR!!!!! Maybe I should part the sled out? It's mint though :( with 1800 miles....
Ouch, you do have bad luck this year, hopefully that will be done with now.

How many miles did the doo have on it? I know that those series 3 motors need rebuilding at around 5k or they get too low of compression and bad stuff happens.

US chrome, or Millenium Tech In Wi would have you back to running with relined bores quickly and about as cheaply as possible.

have you priced out pistons from wiseco or SPI yet? Are you doing the work, or is the mechanic doing it?

You can save a lot of $$ by only having the cylinders redone and assembling the motor on your own. Its really quite easy with a 2 stroke.
Well, cylinder is already purchased... now need low priced pistons.... BOTH of them, so the full twin piston kit... and full engine gasket kit as it's tore down and flushed to get any shavings out... :( No, all I've looked at for pistons is Ebay... and sh*t I can't be spending out the but with unemployment.... My mechanic, but he only charges my 15 an hour...
If your mechanic has a dealer account with a parts supplier, he may be able to sell you pistons as cheap as you can buy them. Or check with the snowmobile parts suppliers like Dennis Kirk, J.R. Graham, Shade Tree. Spend some time searching online and you will find a lot of different options. You may find pistons and gaskets in one kit. You did not go wrong on the cylinder, with the shipping cost, a replated one would not have been a lot cheaper and you don't have to wait for it, plus a factory new one is worth more than a replated one. And you can still get pistons and gaskets from US Chrome or Millenium if that turns out to be the best option.
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There are lots of good guys over there to help you out.

See if Big John has any advice for you. Also check out Cudney (Bill) racing.
