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Anyone try the lucas oil octane boost in there sled?
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Some people think they work....some don't. It's all personal preference, not many people have any hard evidence of why they do and don't work. Personally, I don't use them, I just fill up with the highest octane available. But....I guess if only 87 was available, I might give it a try to be on the safe side.
Concept Carbon
New member
Pick some up and on your way home get some majic beans at the market
It will not do a thing except make you feel good and smell different at the exhaust pipe.
The reason is chemistry.
Unless you have a engine management computer (EMC) you will not get any benefit. Higher octane needs to be lit earlier before TDC to get the full power delivered to the stroke.
Simple as that.
The reason is chemistry.
Unless you have a engine management computer (EMC) you will not get any benefit. Higher octane needs to be lit earlier before TDC to get the full power delivered to the stroke.
Simple as that.
I've haven't heard the term "lit earlier"...but it makes PERFECT SENSE..... Higher octane burns SLOWER and resists DETONATION... ( opposing flame fronts colliding together).. The OCTANE could be achieved in a few different ways... SOME PEOPLE use METHANOL to slow the burning process..... Slowing the process ===== Raising the octane.. First,,, you need to know a little about COMPRESSION RATIOS and port timings to understand MORE about using HIGHER OCTANE FUELS.... Just because it has HIGHER OCTANE,,, doesn't mean your sled is going to be FASTER,,, in FACT,,,,,, HIGHER OCTANE actually SLOWS down a sled!!! (most sleds)..... Now if you have HIGHER OCTANE and you DONT USE MORE FUEl,,, your cylinder temps will get SO HIGH that you will burn a HOLE in your piston (detonation) or melt a ring groove..... I could go on for DAYS,,, but I WON'T !!!goingmach_1 said:It will not do a thing except make you feel good and smell different at the exhaust pipe.
The reason is chemistry.
Unless you have a engine management computer (EMC) you will not get any benefit. Higher octane needs to be lit earlier before TDC to get the full power delivered to the stroke.
Simple as that.
New member
There are some out there that work better then others but with out a full blown test and reporting one just don't know,some do work but remember it's not a miracle in a can it's at best only going to raise by 1 to half a point or so 87 to 87.5 ish etc....
I could go on forever as well, but I think the KISS princple applies here.
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goingmach_1 said:It will not do a thing except make you feel good and smell different at the exhaust pipe.
The reason is chemistry.
Unless you have a engine management computer (EMC) you will not get any benefit. Higher octane needs to be lit earlier before TDC to get the full power delivered to the stroke.
Simple as that.
Not sure why they're asking but one reason I can think why someone would want to use it with a stock CR is when you think you're buying 91 and you're really only getting 89, the benefit could be an engine that doesn't detonate. If you're stuck somewhere that only has 87, what do you do?
I haven't used them in my stock sled but with fuel quality issues, keeping a botttle (that won't leak) on hand might help if it works as advertised.
Using one that raises 87 four points could solve issues with stale, high priced fuel that doesn't move. Fresh 87 octane fuel is sometimes easier to find then 91 octane that isn't.
New member
I'm not looking at it to give me more performance or anything like that. My DCS light went off and I believe it was because I premixed the gas after my rebuild which may be causing it and was wondering if anyone has tried the lucas octane boost because I picked some up. Figured if someone had a problem or heard bad things about the product before I toss it in my fresh top end id ask. Guess I should have been a little more specific.
New member
Carbon maybe you should try some get you over 140hp!
timd222002 said:I'm not looking at it to give me more performance or anything like that. My DCS light went off and I believe it was because I premixed the gas after my rebuild which may be causing it and was wondering if anyone has tried the lucas octane boost because I picked some up. Figured if someone had a problem or heard bad things about the product before I toss it in my fresh top end id ask. Guess I should have been a little more specific.
Sorry man, I can't tell you how well it does or doesn't work. Curious though, what do they advertise/what's their claim?
New member
dosen't claim an octane # just says three times more boost than most other octane boost which I'm sure they all claim and Says its not street legal figured there might be a little something more in it to have that on the bootle? Had a friend tell me that they make some good products so I decided to give em a try.
New member
It also says on the bootle don't be mislead it takes 10 octane points to equal 1 octane #
I posted this on another thread concerning this subject;
Octane is nother more than a fuels resistance to detonation - the higher the compression, the more resistance you need so the piston can get closer to TDC before the fuel explodes - there are two basic ways to accomplish this - add metals, lead, manganese, ferrocene, etc. (leaded fuels) or add hydrocarbons, toulene, benzine, ether, alcohols, etc. (unleaded fuel) - metal additives resist detonation AND NOTHING MORE - they are metals, they do not burn or create power or extend the lifespan of the fuel - they pass out the exhaust after combustion and that is why they are no longer used in highway vehicles - hydrocarbon additives do alot more - they resist detonation, they create power, and they extend the shelf life of fuel - unleaded race fuel is high in toulene, benzine, and ethers (I stay away from ALL alcohols) - when was the last time you had five gallons of race fuel go bad? - the higher hydrocarbon content is why they don't - when people say that high octane fuel only slows a motor down, it depends on the fuel - dynos have shown that on a 10.5:1 motor that is designed to run on pump gas, the highest horsepower reached was with unleaded race fuel at about 103 octane - the only fuel additive that I am aware of (and I've researched them all) that is pure hydrocarbons, is the Torco Acceleator - it is made up of toulene, benzine, and ethers - metal additives are usually combined with toulene, but I wouldn't use them unless I was running over 13:1 compression - before you use a fuel additive, do a MSDS on it so you know what is in it - stay away from anything that contains alcohol or ethanol - remember, there is absolutely nothing that will stop the phase separation process of alcohol/ethanol - you can slow it way down by raising the hydrocarbon content, but you will never stop it - I could write two pages on this topic and back up everything I've said with websites, but that is my 2 cents for now!!
I started using Torco Accelerator this season and I love the stuff!! (and no I am not a dealer!!)
Octane is nother more than a fuels resistance to detonation - the higher the compression, the more resistance you need so the piston can get closer to TDC before the fuel explodes - there are two basic ways to accomplish this - add metals, lead, manganese, ferrocene, etc. (leaded fuels) or add hydrocarbons, toulene, benzine, ether, alcohols, etc. (unleaded fuel) - metal additives resist detonation AND NOTHING MORE - they are metals, they do not burn or create power or extend the lifespan of the fuel - they pass out the exhaust after combustion and that is why they are no longer used in highway vehicles - hydrocarbon additives do alot more - they resist detonation, they create power, and they extend the shelf life of fuel - unleaded race fuel is high in toulene, benzine, and ethers (I stay away from ALL alcohols) - when was the last time you had five gallons of race fuel go bad? - the higher hydrocarbon content is why they don't - when people say that high octane fuel only slows a motor down, it depends on the fuel - dynos have shown that on a 10.5:1 motor that is designed to run on pump gas, the highest horsepower reached was with unleaded race fuel at about 103 octane - the only fuel additive that I am aware of (and I've researched them all) that is pure hydrocarbons, is the Torco Acceleator - it is made up of toulene, benzine, and ethers - metal additives are usually combined with toulene, but I wouldn't use them unless I was running over 13:1 compression - before you use a fuel additive, do a MSDS on it so you know what is in it - stay away from anything that contains alcohol or ethanol - remember, there is absolutely nothing that will stop the phase separation process of alcohol/ethanol - you can slow it way down by raising the hydrocarbon content, but you will never stop it - I could write two pages on this topic and back up everything I've said with websites, but that is my 2 cents for now!!
I started using Torco Accelerator this season and I love the stuff!! (and no I am not a dealer!!)
we're going to by a can this week and I was just wondering how much do you have mix with 91 octane fuelyammiman said:I posted this on another thread concerning this subject;
Octane is nother more than a fuels resistance to detonation - the higher the compression, the more resistance you need so the piston can get closer to TDC before the fuel explodes - there are two basic ways to accomplish this - add metals, lead, manganese, ferrocene, etc. (leaded fuels) or add hydrocarbons, toulene, benzine, ether, alcohols, etc. (unleaded fuel) - metal additives resist detonation AND NOTHING MORE - they are metals, they do not burn or create power or extend the lifespan of the fuel - they pass out the exhaust after combustion and that is why they are no longer used in highway vehicles - hydrocarbon additives do alot more - they resist detonation, they create power, and they extend the shelf life of fuel - unleaded race fuel is high in toulene, benzine, and ethers (I stay away from ALL alcohols) - when was the last time you had five gallons of race fuel go bad? - the higher hydrocarbon content is why they don't - when people say that high octane fuel only slows a motor down, it depends on the fuel - dynos have shown that on a 10.5:1 motor that is designed to run on pump gas, the highest horsepower reached was with unleaded race fuel at about 103 octane - the only fuel additive that I am aware of (and I've researched them all) that is pure hydrocarbons, is the Torco Acceleator - it is made up of toulene, benzine, and ethers - metal additives are usually combined with toulene, but I wouldn't use them unless I was running over 13:1 compression - before you use a fuel additive, do a MSDS on it so you know what is in it - stay away from anything that contains alcohol or ethanol - remember, there is absolutely nothing that will stop the phase separation process of alcohol/ethanol - you can slow it way down by raising the hydrocarbon content, but you will never stop it - I could write two pages on this topic and back up everything I've said with websites, but that is my 2 cents for now!!
I started using Torco Accelerator this season and I love the stuff!! (and no I am not a dealer!!)
Here is a blending chart from their website
New member
yammiman, thanks for the info thats what i was looking to know. This is what lucas oil's MSDS sheet contains.
Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl
Distillates, Petroleum, hydrotreated light,Petroleum Distillate
Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl
Distillates, Petroleum, hydrotreated light,Petroleum Distillate
New member
most of that is carrier oil a big % so the rest in not much to help with any thing,MSDS's olny show part of the picture.timd222002 said:yammiman, thanks for the info thats what i was looking to know. This is what lucas oil's MSDS sheet contains.
Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl
Distillates, Petroleum, hydrotreated light,Petroleum Distillate
New member
Wow, pretty sweet if it works as you say
Bought some wilder racing heads for my srx a litle while ago, not really knowing what I bought :P
No info was provided, but can see that they are alot smaller.. Can measure with liquid how much the difference is, if that would help..
Anyways, talked to a mechanican friend of mine, and he recomended to rise the octane since the compression is raised.. Have not got race fuel awailable where i live and do not trust the simple octane boosters.. Since I'm a newbie with snowmobiles and 2-strokes, I choose not to install them..
But can anybody tell me if I could use them with just Torcora? (run on 98 pump gas now)
Thanks for any input

No info was provided, but can see that they are alot smaller.. Can measure with liquid how much the difference is, if that would help..
Anyways, talked to a mechanican friend of mine, and he recomended to rise the octane since the compression is raised.. Have not got race fuel awailable where i live and do not trust the simple octane boosters.. Since I'm a newbie with snowmobiles and 2-strokes, I choose not to install them..
But can anybody tell me if I could use them with just Torcora? (run on 98 pump gas now)
Thanks for any input