Pics too large....


New member
Mar 16, 2008
Southern Ontario, Canada
I have been uploading pics that I took form my iPhone for over a year....I just tried and it says it is too large....1600 x 1200. It says max is 800 x 900? I realize it is too big, but how come it worked before, and not now?
I used a program called IrfanView. It is free and allows you to lower the res. and memory used in a photo. It works well and like I said it is free.
theo125 said:
I used a program called IrfanView. It is free and allows you to lower the res. and memory used in a photo. It works well and like I said it is free.

Thanks for the reply! I can downsize the pics on my mac in iPhoto, but I never had to do it before, but now I do, so I was just wondering why!
Img tags seem to be working for me(I know, not very usefull for you). May have to ask MrSled about this.....Nothing has changed to my knowledge. You could try clearing your cookies but I'm not sure that would be in there. Have you poked around in your userCP? I think there is something in there to 'disable' code.
