How long would someone estimate it would take to ride accross the UP? Thinking about base camp in paradise leaving sunday morning, riding the northern route, grand marais, munising, up to big bay, run up the K pennisula, then down to gogebic, and back across.
2stroken said:How long would someone estimate it would take to ride accross the UP? Thinking about base camp in paradise leaving sunday morning, riding the northern route, grand marais, munising, up to big bay, run up the K pennisula, then down to gogebic, and back across.
We did a circle tour some ten years back starting in Brimley, through GM, Baraga, Iron River, Manastique and back to Brimley in 5 days. I think the total was around 1100 miles and we averaged 200-300 miles a day. We also had a retiree following with a chase vehicle and trailer. As it turned out we needed him with one blown ZR in Munising (big surprise) and a smashed Storm in Sidnaw. We waisted a bit of time with each breakdown but not nearly as much had we not had the chase vehicle. We had reservations at each nightly stop and managed to make it to each before sunset. Three of us six had different maps downloaded to our Garmin plus-III and had no issues finding our way. Well, except for the short detour through Wisconsin for an hour or so.
We payed for the retiree's room every night and it was well worth it. It was a blast and I wish I had the time to do it again. Enjoy!
Yes I wish we had a chase vehicle or shoot just a person that could stay centrally located say in Newberry or something. That is an idea, maybe I can do some digging.
snomofo said:We did a circle tour some ten years back starting in Brimley, through GM, Baraga, Iron River, Manastique and back to Brimley in 5 days. I think the total was around 1100 miles and we averaged 200-300 miles a day. We also had a retiree following with a chase vehicle and trailer. As it turned out we needed him with one blown ZR in Munising (big surprise) and a smashed Storm in Sidnaw. We waisted a bit of time with each breakdown but not nearly as much had we not had the chase vehicle. We had reservations at each nightly stop and managed to make it to each before sunset. Three of us six had different maps downloaded to our Garmin plus-III and had no issues finding our way. Well, except for the short detour through Wisconsin for an hour or so.
We payed for the retiree's room every night and it was well worth it. It was a blast and I wish I had the time to do it again. Enjoy!
So you didn't go up on the k pennisula? I haven't ever been there or the big bay area, I have been to gogebic and the the porcupines etc, etc.
2stroken said:So you didn't go up on the k pennisula? I haven't ever been there or the big bay area, I have been to gogebic and the the porcupines etc, etc.
I've been riding through the k pennisula but on that particular trip we didn't have the time. If we had added another day or two we would have. Setting up 5 days of reservations in different towns and what not was a task in and of itself.
Well I suspect that we may not make reservations. We will be going in the middle of the week, probably take a list of accomodations with us, and just start calling when we get into town.
We won't be going on a holiday or anything.
We won't be going on a holiday or anything.
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I rode from Houghton all the way to the Mackinac Bridge in a little over 13 hours. You can go all day if you really want too. I did manage to get myself a nice ticket outside of Marquette, for "excessive" speed according to our fine sheriff deputies.
Well the big variable will be trail conditions. I have seen where it takes 2 hours to get somewhere turn into 6 hours if the trails are bad.
Keep the feedback coming.
Keep the feedback coming.
2stroken said:Well I suspect that we may not make reservations. We will be going in the middle of the week, probably take a list of accomodations with us, and just start calling when we get into town.
We won't be going on a holiday or anything.
We too went through the week leaving Brimley Sunday morning and I don't remember any of the places we stayed being fully booked but we didn't want any surprises. You should be okay without reservations and I wouldn't hesitate doing so but I was with a bunch of older fellas and sleeping in the trailer wasn't going to happen.
I know you aren't expecting any and I'm knocking on wood here, but you may want to formulate some kind of plan in the event you have a breakdown or worse. I'm sure cellphone coverage is better than it was but you still may find dead spots or find out later that your call was routed through Canada and a 2 minute call cost you $30.00. I found that out when my alligator armed friends hesitated using thier phones when the Storm crashed at the Stergeon River Gourge. Call your carrier to find out before hand if they still do this. I think I was with Verizon at the time.
I highly recommend finding places with a hot tub/sauna/pool and bring your swinnin' trunks. Have fun and post back a trip report.
Well I am not sure how far this will go as one of the guys backed out. If we for sure had a chase vehicle available, we would probably still go thru with it.