What is it?


Active member
Sep 5, 2006
Minot, ND
Got this with my Apex and I'm wondering what it's for?


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Thanks guys, I know I've seen these before but couldn't quite put my finger on its use.
YamiSmurf said:
Heavy duty nut scratcher???? That is, when not using it on your shocks.

I was going to say it is a Mickey's Big Mouth opener, but not after it was used a a nut scratcher;)
YamiSmurf said:
Heavy duty nut scratcher???? That is, when not using it on your shocks.

Well I had been using it for just that purpose from time to time, glad I found it's real use. lol ;)!
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it is odd how many spanner wrenches there are. I have a few of these wrenches, most are from bikes, but a couple from sleds. All work the same Al
Viper S said:
How's the weather out there SX?

It's a beautiful sunny day today with a temp of -11F before the wind. Was a great time out riding this morning. Got some cool videos, might just have to post some pics of the Apex that everyone claims is "heavy".

Oh I found another use for the tool, chipping the ice from around the upper rear idler wheels.
