do you in michigan have to have a valid drivers license to operate a snowmobile. I have a friend that got his license taken away a few years back and he is intrested in snowmobiling but still does not have a license
Thanks guys
Thanks guys
He can not ride. Sorry, just found it on the DNR website.,1607,7-153-10365_14824-32293--,00.html,1607,7-153-10365_14824-32293--,00.html
thanks dave. Ohhh he is going to be bummed out, but that is what he gets. You play you pay.....
New member
All i know is you have to show DL when renewing a reg. so i would say yes.
You must have a drivers lisence to operate a snowmobile, if over the age of 18. If under the age of 18 a snowmobile safety certifricate must be valid if operating on any road or even crossing the road. Another fact I found was anyone under 18 must be with an adult to ride along. Most trails are classified as Co. roads, either unmaintained or unplowed. Do not drink and drive. Al
New member
thanks AL.....
yeah he has to many dd. oh well thanks guys
On private land Only, May be a different story, But he cannot ride roads or trails.