QUESTION ON SRX speedomter and odometer problem...


New member
Dec 17, 2009
Moose Lake, MN
So, out of nowhere got two issues...

1) Odometer and speedo quite working tonight.... still lit up and bright light indicator and such still work.... disconnected the cable from behind the speedo and pulled to see if it had snapped. Didn't budge... and I have no idea if that method works but seemed practical...

2) This has been for awhile, the light that illuminates the RPM gauge doesn't come on at night? Burnt bulb? How the heck do I get the gauge out????

when you say you disconnected it and pulled , you mean you pulled the recoil ? the speedo cable will only turn if the track is turning. i would follow the cable down to the other end and disconnect it there and spin the cable and see if the speedo needle now moves. if it does either the speedo housing on the side of the tunnel is bad or the connector from the drive shaft to the housing is bad.
yamahaorbust said:
Sorry... I pulled on the key to see if cable would come out of the wrap? I hate being mechanically inclined :(

In days of old (before Vehicle Speed Sensors) techs would pull the inner cable out and lube it to address sticking or noisy speedos. Not sure if the cable on a sled has a collar at the axle end so you may not be able to pull it out but what you need to find out is if it spins when the track spins. The speedo rarely breaks internally so my guess would be it doesn't.

If you find it doesn't (raise the track off the ground, start it up and spin the track while looking at the speedo end for rotation), remove the cable at the drive axle (under the secondary) and turn it by hand while watching the other end for rotation). If it doesn't spin you need another cable. If the cable checks out (more than likely it will), remove the three bolts that hold the bearing cover and look at the end of the drive shaft for a sheared key (looks like a short piece of speedo cable).

In a lot of cases, an inoperative speedo means the axle bearing is wiped out causing the axle to wobble and bingo, the key shears. Point is, if you find the key is sheared, loosen the track, crawl under and grab the axle and check for any play in the shaft by pushing it up and down. Another clue would be any rust residue behind the bearing cover.

If it were me and I knew the bearing had never been changed, I'd be replacing it.

As for the tach light; on the back side of the tach there are two nuts that hold the gauge in place with a plastic U shaped bracket. You shouldn't have to remove the gauge to replace a bulb. From memory (perhaps someone else will pipe in) look for a rubber socket with a couple wires going through it (blue and black, I think) pull it out, replace the bulb and reinstall.

Had this happen twice on my 99 SRX. Both times it was the keyway that conects the speedo cable to the drive shaft under the secondary clutch. Remove the secondary clutch to investigate. As someone already said make sure to check the drive shaft bearings.
