questions on 2001 srx 700


New member
Feb 2, 2009
So ive just purchased a 2001 srx 700 and everything seems to be great on it except for a few things that i was hopeing you guys could help out with. 1st is i was told to clean my what does that entitle and is it hard to do yourself or does it have to be taken to a shop.2nd thing is whats the best setup to really get a good hookup off the line any suspension tips or anythign else besides puttin new studs on it. last thing is about my max out speed i should be smoking my buddy on the lake with his 98 mach one but once i get to like 8000 rpms it seems to quit there ( not shut off just stay at the rpm and speed) while my freind blows right by me and my sled should be kiking its *** so what does anyone think the problam is there ( just jetting or reeds) or is his sled actually the better sled thanks alot i hope someone understands all these questions lol
not cleaning reeds!!!!!!you mean cleaning the Powervalves.You may have pull thru's also,maybe that's why it ain't getting the speeds. Check your jetting and your gear ratio also.
and your clutching may be off to.Depends on the miles on it,clutches may need rebuilding due to worn bushings,weak springs,worn buttons.You need to check clutch alignment and the belt you are using.Don't just buy a used sled and jump on it and go...check it out first before you do some damage to it.HAD you cleaned your carbs lately.Seems to be the culprit when guys with a new used sled go out and give her and end up blowing up the motor.You MUST do your pre-ride checks firstly.
everythings been cleaned and cheked from carbs to jetting to powervalves they looked brand new. takeing it out today to see if anythigns changed
