2002 srx powervavle adjustment


New member
Jan 2, 2010
i cleaned my powervalves and adjusted them using the 2.5mm allen method.now for some reason my sled wont idle right.doesnt have a choppy idle like it used to.i know this isnt right.also when i hit the throttle it bogs for a sec before running like it should.if its at an idle and i put the choke on it revs up and sounds like it should.are the valves out of adjustment or is it something else?carbs were just cleaned and ran fine before doing the valves.any ifo would be appreciated
Shouldn't have anything to do with the power valves, just coincidence. If the choke makes it better, then the idle circuit is lean. Need to pull the carbs and go through the pilot jets again. My guess is something was missed in the pilot circuit passages and has now made its way into one of the pilots (or more than one), and is blocking it again. That's where I would start. Also check your fuel screw settings while in there.
