testing stator


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I noticed that my thumb warmer wasn't working properly last night so now I have to start ohming things out to see what I have for resistance in the heating elements and mag.My question is how imperative is it to do the tests at room temp?It is far from warm outside here and the warmest I may be able to get my shed right now would be 10* C (50* F).I could take the throttle lever off and bring it inside my house to warm up I suppose but the mag is another story as I'd have to borrow a flywheel puller to get things apart.I have the manual so I know the specs I'm just curious how much my readings will be off if I do them in my shed at the outside temps.
it's important to test warm things change, expand, contract,,i would check into your thumb lever first FB,it may just be its gone south,always start simple first.
Try it on the sled first, if you get an open reading - infinity, it is bad. I do not know how the thumbwarmer is powered on that sled, but there is not a seperate coil for it. If that is the only problem, it would not be the mag.
