Red Lake I-500 xc race THIS WEEKEND


New member
Jan 16, 2006
The 2010 Red Lake I-500 cross country race is on for this friday, saturday, and sunday Jan 15-17. It sounds like there is a good amount of snow in the area which should make for a great (and probably rough) race.

Be sure to log onto USCC for FREE live coverage each day. There will also be updates posted to the USCC Facebook page throughout each race day.

Who do you think will win the 500 this year? Go to the USCC website right now and cast your vote! Can Cory Davis keep the momentum rolling from his win in Grafton and claim the 500? How about the veteran cross country racers...guys like Gabe Bunke, Corey Davidson, and Brian Dick can never be counted out....especially at the 500!

Nathan Titus and Ross Erdman will be racing their factory Nytros, although Erdman is only entered in the Open class as he's on one of the hand built sleds. Tune in and cheer them on!

So far Corey Davidson has the most picks on winning this year. If you haven't voted yet, click here to go do it now.

Still haven't heard officially that Bryan Dyrdahl will be racing. One of the rumors is that he'll be riding the '04 REV he won it on back then...I guess we'll see come friday.

Race Course Maps are up. Looks like a river run to TRF from the casino each day and then pretty much all ditch running. It was always kind of cool when the course when into the woods on the least made for some varied terrain. Oh well, this course will be very easy to follow by car.


Click to go to the race course maps page

Also if you haven't voted on who you think is going to win, you can until friday morning. Click here.
