Oil experts, need your opinion


VIP Lifetime Member
May 2, 2003
I was moving things around the other day in the garage & came across 8 quarts of yamalube 2. These are the old white containers they used in the early 90's. My question is this oil still good.(caps never opened) If they are still good do I have to use up most of the 2S oil in the machine first before adding the old oil. Can you mix these without a problem.
Funny you posted this,,,last week my brother calls and asked the same thing,he found 1 qt and wanted to use it.

like i told him IF the seal is on and cap was on tight i would and have used older oil like that,just shake it up good and use it.

that old yamalube will work just fine it may smoke more was the thing with that old stuff,dump it in and run it,your fine.

ive used that older stuff before in my PZ,no problems.
