03 Viper Engine Bogging


New member
Jan 11, 2010
Stevens Point, WI
I've had trouble with the engine bogging out after a quick release of the throttle. When I go to reengage the throttle it just boggs out. I have to let it to go to idle - in the area of 2000 rpm, before I can get it to go again. Anyone else ever have this problem?
Throttle over ride switch! Just had this same problem. Check your free play in the throttle cable.
Spoke with the techs at the local Yamaha dealer and they thought it was the Throttle Position Sensor on the carb. I bought a replacement and will give that a try. THANKS to all for your replies!!!
Like I said, my viper was doing the exact same thing as your sled. Turned out to be the throttle cable was tightend too much. Loosened it off and no more problems now.
As others suggested a couple years ago I would suspect TORS. Throttle override system. Should have 2 bullet type connectors from sensor on carbs to harness. Unplug from carbs and plug back into each other (by passing sensor) Only takes minute to rule out if this is problem or not. Most likely trigger of tors is throttle cable to tight. If this is the problem figure it out fix it right, dont leave bypassed or we may be reading about how the sled ran away at WOT!
Clutch bushings, 02 mm and srx were both doing this in last year. Check tors and if still doing it replace bushings. Good luck and hook your tors up after testing.
Interested to see what your findings are Falcon. I was having same issue at the end of last season and haven't addressed the problem yet.
If we have the same problem I'm led to believe it isn't an issue with the TORS (Sled will run fine til letting of throttle) Also i've bypassed the TORS and the issue is still present.

hoping the issue is something simple
