1998 srx 700 how can i get it to wheelie?


New member
Jan 4, 2010
hi can someone tell me how i can set up my suspension so i can wheelie also if i put on a msbp can how much hp increase are we talking and is there anything i can do that's very simple and cheap to make this machine really fly thanks
There are no HP gains with MSBP lol, MBRP or any aftermarket cans. As a matter of fact they rob your machine of power. Clutch tuning is the best bang for the buck and these machines also respond well to a good port job. As for the wheelie just loosen off your rear suspension straps, plant your feet, pin the throttle and wheelie away...
and a studded track helps.....tony will let you know how the 8bu-00's work once I get them in the mail...and if we get any snow.It is all melting away this week probably and rain coming....ahhhhhhh!! :o|
just lean back haha! i make mine wheelie really easy.. :P ^check my avatar haha. i just lean a little and hammer down haha.

^^^ my old SRX wheelied waayyy more then that video. haha.
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mine wont even come close to lifting... but I know it was set to not lift the skis one tiny bit... and thats with a 1.25 and 196 studs.... so yea... all depends how your skid is set up
So how do you get a Viper to do that? Can't hardly get 2 inches of lift out of it. I would like some lift for ditch and water crossings mostly.
I don't have any bigger problems to wheelie my srx as long as I'm driving in deep snow. Then it's no problem to make it stand straight up, but that is only by the power in the engine that sends it straight up and also think my 1.5 inch track helps a bit. But on hard surface it's nearly impossible. Just a couple of inches if you're lucky.
pulling wheellies

when you pull catwalk will rob take off and handling if your machine is pointing up and and not forward its not going to perform as good
mbrp is the worst can you could buy if u want to gain hp. only silencer that will gain hp is the hauck growlers, and i mean like 1/2 at most. bender can is probly even to stock silencer hp... and take the white spacers out of the transfer rods, u will get alot more weight transfer
GET A REV!! LOL... :D ... But really, loosen limiter straps all the way (ski pressure will be affected) and modify transfer rods to get as much weight transfer to the back as possible, THEN PULL BACK AND PIN IT! Also, I have noticed snow conditions make a difference as well, and obviously the more traction the better
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srx has no problem pulling wheelies. alot of studs, high rpm engaging clutch, loosen limiter straps but loosening the straps takes away cornering. if your heavy enough and get pack on it enough to get traction you wont need to loosen em. adjusting the rods will help too cause lengthening them will help waight transfer wich helps traction. power wont be your problem, its traction.
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