cracked ski

das fisch

New member
Feb 9, 2009
I was out riding on my '82 Excel III and came across what appeared to be small stick which I needed to cross, ended up being a telephone pole buried in the white stuff. after I got across (high sided the sled and had to push it off) I noticed a new rattle, left side ski is cracked all the way thru under the middle of the leaf spring, wear rod is bent up slightly too.
never even thought about this happening, but it did.
now I'm looking for a new/used ski to get me back on the trail!
Royal Distributing has brand new ski's as well. Don't ride it anymore like that, I had exactly that happen but without the for-warning of knowing it happened. That is, until the crash! You can't believe how far a sled can launch with the remainder of the ski and spring digging in and vaulting you over. I recall hanging on to the bars with legs straight up in the air and looking right into the headlight! G.
