She's Done!!!


New member
Dec 22, 2008
Mukwonago, Wisconsin
About a month ago I took my brand new (to me) 2002 SXR600 out for the first time and of course nothing went right... To make a long story short, I over-heated her and messed up the whole top end. (some of you might remember that post) What a friggin day! Anyhoo, today my buddy Coles_55 and I replaced cylinders, pistons, head etc. etc... 4 pulls and, Booya! We are in business! All I need now is a new head temp sensor. Only purpose for this thread is to see if anyone has got this sensor im lookin for, share a pic from that dreaded day and most of all.... Shout it from the rooftops SHE'S DONE!!!

All of your help was much appreciated
Thanks guys,


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Did you happen to check the head for any warpage? Warping a head on a red head is common if severly overheated, this is due to being a common 3 cyl solid head. If the head is warped more than .010 is will need replaced or milled. The center cyl. will be the bore which will see a problem. Good luck , keep us posted. Al
I didn't do anything other than a visual check on all those parts and they didn't look to good... We replaced all 3 cylinders and pistons (man those piston ring clips are a pain!) Also replaced the head but it's not red anymore :o| Didn't feel like messin with the odds so we replaced it all. Just need that stupid sensor now! PS I'll see what I can do Daman! haha
Coles_55 said:
Wooohooo I finally get my garage back!!!!!! BRAAAAAP
could have been worse could have been seeing green or yellow in your garage is always welcome in my garage ......
Very true! Dont mind the yellow but my garage will never have green or Poo blue in it, well it has seen Poo blue but thats only cause I had to work on it.
Hold on, concerning the colors. I really don't like seeing blue in my shop, that means my own sleds are on the stands and customers are not. My favorite color to see and most often see is "green" You can always count on one or two going down after a group trip. can't wait till the group goes back North. lol. I used to brag about how my own sleds don't have to come back into the shop until spring, until I bought the Viper. Now we move it in after hours and make sure it is out before the next day for Valve cleaning. Al
