Just looking for some ideas on where I can mount my RSI's. Dont want to eliminate a bogey wheel either so pictures and/or ideas would be awesome.

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I used RSI's and here is what it did. I monted them where the second boggie from the front of the rail goes. I did keep the boggie. You can buy the adapters from rsi to keep the boggies but here is what it did. They do sit back a bit far but so far they work great. put about 200 mi on so far no problems with slides or overheating on ice.
I used the stock bolt and spacer from the boggie. Just cut the head of the RSI mount off so its a spacer for the scratcher now. Then just use the stock bolt through the boggie collar then through the newly made rsi spacer. Use the washers in the same place as in the instructions per rsi. Give me a minute and ill go snap some shots.
I used the stock bolt and spacer from the boggie. Just cut the head of the RSI mount off so its a spacer for the scratcher now. Then just use the stock bolt through the boggie collar then through the newly made rsi spacer. Use the washers in the same place as in the instructions per rsi. Give me a minute and ill go snap some shots.

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Hmmm well when I get them I will probably have a better understanding of what goes where and whatnot. I should have them early next week sometime.

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Shoot me a pm or post if ya need more help if this is the way you want to go. Like i said RSI makes the adapters to run the scratchers and keep the boggies but they are 16 bucks a piece for the same thing i did. I put them on both my vipers so it would have been a little expensive for this. Also you will take out the boggie mounting block thingie or what ever they call it.
Hopefully I will be getting them today or tomorrow and I will shoot you a PM if I am having issues.
the only thought i have is that the wheel is supported by a plastic spacer instead of the stock aluminum block. Do you think it would hold up to bumps and jumps? Its probably no different than what the rsi part does anyways.
Got them on last night, turned out to be pretty good, hopefully they will stay straight and on. I may make up something to hold it a little better, but they are on and I leave for a week in less than a week so thank god!

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Let me know if you come up with anything better for a mount.
it looks like it should work decent. Are yours still holding up? For mine i think i will take the rear idler off and put it there and see if i get enough on the exchangers. I have heard that some people take the front idlers off entirely, but that just sounds like a bad idea.
it looks like it should work decent. Are yours still holding up? For mine i think i will take the rear idler off and put it there and see if i get enough on the exchangers. I have heard that some people take the front idlers off entirely, but that just sounds like a bad idea.

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Holdin up good so far, but im not much for jumping . It handled the bumps well so we will see!!!
New member
Mounted mine on the front skis. Works good but they unhook themselves when its real bumpy. Screwed in a little L shape metal stopper in the ski last weekend. Will see how it goes.
I ended mounting mine by removing the rear boggie wheel at the front. Works good. Lots of snow and ice gets up into the rear exchanger. Yamahas run so much more true than other sleds that they don't kick up much snow without the scratchers.

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Got to give the scratchers a good workout today. River is froze but no snow, glare ice. Rode most of the day even had to bypass some open water in the woods. Left them down trough bare dirt, over logs and such with no problems. Lots of snow and ice in the skid and on rear cooler. No overheating or slide wear. Pretty happy how the held. This was a good test.

yes the scratchers are great..but today I snapped one off and it is gone...
Guess I'll have to order another friggin set..damn.

pu scratchers for both sleds...so recommended way is to place at the second idler wheel from the front and try to re-use the wheel if possible.

Super Moderator
Yup, thats what i did!! What kind did you pick up? I used RSI. Let me know i can give ya a quick rundown if you need it.

mine ar RSR..whatever that means...

Super Moderator
Those look like they will work fine. Not nearly the work to get them to work with the wheel. Just use stock bolt and remove the big idler wheel block and mount them on. Should be pretty straight forward. You might have to drill the scratcher collar out a bit to get the stock bolt to fit through but will work fine. I had to drill mine out.

ice scratchers work really good on both sleds.A lot of snow going to the back of track and exchangers.A real worth while investment for sure.Even with the 2 wheels removed,the new hyfax is not wearing or burning on my SRX like kast time. With the new Ohlins shocks up front SRX is nice and smooth.The sled feels like it is on rails.And the studs are not hitting anything so far since I loosened up track..
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