I have re did the topend on the 92 phazer I picked and the compression is 150psi on both cylinders, I reused the old head gasket that is 3 layer that is down to 2, I am going to replace seals on crank and I am just wondeing should i replace the head gasket back to a 3 layer as 150psi seem to be alot for this motor? could it blow out the crank seals?
i doubt 150PSI would blow out the crank seals. im running 170 on my phazer hybrid engine with no problems. although with 150psi you should be running at least premium pump gas...
New member
right if you are that high premium would be a good idea.
Thanks guys just putting in the new seals as we speak, the sled sat 5 years outside in the elements, and notices one of the springs that goes around the lip of the seal was broke! Did not think that the phazers came with the layered head gaskets? anyways thanks for the info, going to finish sealing up the cases.