Pre Yamaha snomobile, Back in the day....


New member
Jan 17, 2010
My sled back in the day;

First off, i used steel from my parents cross country northern frontier wagon, to build the frame. It was a little rusty from the move out west. I used fine sand from the creek to sand the rust off. For the ski's i used bamboo and we didnt have none of them fancy tie downs. I used twine and ribbon from the church bizzare to hold the front end of the ski's up and to mount them to the steel wagon components. From my old sled dogs i used them pesky straps to steer the bamboo down the path. For the seat i used a pillowcase stuffed with hay. Couldnt stop too long, the local animals would eat me out. AaaaaaYUP. I put a coal powered engine in it and for the tank i had a 10 gallon coal resivior. With that, it would generate enough power/speed to outrun a crippled bunny. For suspension, i used a sack of potatos's filled with hay. Enough room on the seat for me and my "neighbor girl." For a speed reference i would look back ont he distance i had on the crippled bunny. For a track i chained a bunch of beer cans. There's not much more too it. In lieu of seat and handwarmers i put a couple fiery coals under my buttox. And i used tinfoil as a shield so the hay didn't catch on fire. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit it was as hot as a brand on a cattle's butt. For a headlight i used a karosine lamp. For a bumper i used a moose's rack. I made a helmet out of driftwood that grandpa found out of the local stream. We didn't have none of them digital photos, so old man winter painted a picture of this craft.
