Paradise Mi


VIP Member
Sep 28, 2009
got a trip planned for pardise, jus looking for thoughts and ideas for a place to stay, anybody with any personal exp. was on the net jus to many to choose from, thanks guys, almost forgot a frosty adult beverage would be a plus after a day riding
How many folks are you planning on taking? Couples? Etc?

It has been a few years since I have been there
was nice they had free movies, probably 2 blocks from the blinker.
We looked at saunders sunrise they are a little farther out of town.

You can also try We used to stay in the barn right behind the dome.
Friends father in law actually built the dome.
Those are the places I have stayed. We are looking at paradise inn if we go back this year, but it is just two guys so a little tougher to pay for a cabin.

The paradise area has some advantages if you want to ride to destinations I don't think it is the best location as ususally going south through the swamp is a mess, then going through the woods towards raco is usually rougher than a corncob also. You can go south to hulbert but I am hearing the chippewa snowchasers are having some grooming issues.
If you like the off the trail stuff paradise is a pretty decent area.

I think for destination riding newberry is pretty good or grand marais. We stayed at the hilltop a few years back for two weeks it was a great place and the rooms were reasonable.

thanks 2strokin , there will be 3 couples going, thats what i was looking for, really liked the, guess i have a week or so to decide.
Birchwood lodge has some larger cabins, and was conveniently located. If your couples and are doing destination riding I would look at newberry or grand marais. you can go several directions out of newberry and grand marias. Paradise really your limited to going west to either newberry or grand marais, very rare is it to see the south trail in good shape for long.
