Finally got the project back for a Vintage ride last week (1990 Phazer II). A guy rebuilt top end, rebored cyldrs. and new pistons and seals (kit). Ran fine for 20 mi. and on a run up and back a field, bang, no power! It would start,but no power, PTO piston appears burnt and no compression. Have been waiting since last week for more news, from rebuilder, but nothing yet. Have been thinking of getting it back regardless, to get someone to give me answers to get it running before Winter ends...
This rain really sucks- riding in the Mts. over the weekend was awesome on the Attak, though! Advice and help for little Phazer is appreciated. Could bad gas do the piston in?
This rain really sucks- riding in the Mts. over the weekend was awesome on the Attak, though! Advice and help for little Phazer is appreciated. Could bad gas do the piston in?