I'm looking for good honest opinions on some different sleds I'm considering for my son and hope you guys can help me out here.I think something along the line of a Phazer is what I want to get him but I don't really know much about them.I'd like to get one of the newer ones in the Pro action chassis as the 4 stroke ones are just out of my price range right now but what are these sleds like for reliability?They are very hard to find in my area and if one happens to come up for sale I'd like some insight as to any problem areas with them when I go to look at one.The pogo stick ones are a little easier to find but from what I've been told they tend to be tippy and I'd like to have a good stable sled for him as his first one.I should also add that he's about 5'9 or so and around 200lbs.
I've also thought about a Cat 550 fan or some such but I'd really like to stick with Yamaha.It really boils down to what I can find that's in decent shape in my price range and the winter is getting shorter all the time.
I've also thought about a Cat 550 fan or some such but I'd really like to stick with Yamaha.It really boils down to what I can find that's in decent shape in my price range and the winter is getting shorter all the time.
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how about a sxr 500 or 600, or vmax 500
Yeah I thought about a 500 liquid too but they are hard to find too.Know of any around the 2000 era?
New member
I bought my son a 2002 Viper, he is 16. Nice machine but not great, to much service on the power valves. I would recommend a 2000 era, phazer, or sxr 600 or 700. If you go with the tss phazer the brakes aren't nearly as good, or the ride. Al
New member
if he's 200lbs id be looking for a nice vm xtc700 or sx,vm 600 trip,along thoes lines,,a TSS PZ may be too slow with his weight.
New member
I agree, go with a 600 triple vmax or a 700 vmax.
I would steer clear of the cat 550 and would recommend about a 50 sleds that are not cats before he goes that route.
I would steer clear of the cat 550 and would recommend about a 50 sleds that are not cats before he goes that route.
New member
Any of the phazer II with TSS are very stable we have had three but the ride compared to the pro action is night and day difference. Old one will break trail and run powder much nicer but for trail riding the 99 and up way out performs it
96 Vmax 600 xt- cheap, reliable, good riding/handling, and not too fast but fast enough

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ejcamaro said:96 Vmax 600 xt- cheap, reliable, good riding/handling, and not too fast but fast enough
Great starter sled, still got mine. It was plenty powerfull enough for me for a long time but not to overpowering. My 13yr daughter now rides it and has a blast.
I really like the 00 Phazer I got. I'm 6' 230 and it goes OK with me on it. I'm not going to win any races with it, but it rides pretty nice. Depending on where you are riding it will break trail OK too. Not more than 12" of powder at once on a stock track though. I get off trail now and again with mine but you have to stay on the throttle always.
slight Hi-jack of the thread but what do these sleds go for with under 500 miles? very clean, stored indoors.
slight Hi-jack of the thread but what do these sleds go for with under 500 miles? very clean, stored indoors.
Keep those opinions coming fellas I'm getting more insight as to what might be a better sled to get.Availability of some of the 5 and 600 liquids in my area are questionable so I may have to expand my search area to Nova Scotia,PEI and Maine.

look on uncle henrys website for maine sleds, lots for sale right now
New member
I have the Phazer Mountain Lite on the Pro-Action chassis and it rides good and is great in powder but I'm 160 pounds. I rode it stock last winter but this winter I have it modded a little bit, nothing great, I managed to get a little ride back in early december but we lost all our snow and it didn't come back yet, but it was a good gain in power with the pipe/clutch kit. It would lift the skis easier and I never installed the MPI transfer straps yet so hopefully that will help with getting a little more ski lift. I could keep up to my buddies easily on 6-8 hundreds easily except on straight-aways where I could only do 120 km/h compared to their 160 plus. For a 500 fanner it impressed people with what it could do, because usually people think of a fanner as a sled that can't do much. I think a 600 triple SXR or Vmax will be good for your son.
I looked at the last White Star Auction sale prices, a 2000 Phazer sold for $1,300 This would have been the SX chassie 485 fan engine. Very clean sled Al
New member
Hello I have a 1999 yamaha vmax 500 sx for sale in houlton maine its about 2 or 3 hours away from you. It has viper front shocks, sxr rear shocks, has a ripsaw track, custom widend runnig bords ( a must have mod IMO ) viper oil tank, etc. pm me if you are intrested. might be able to work out shiping as well.