High mi sxr Question


New member
Jan 26, 2010
First off, Thanks for welcome guys, kinda new to these forums and i must say theirs some bad *** machines here. I own a 01 sxr700 w/11,000 mi on her, all mods came with purchase, Tripple pipe, vorce 3 reeds, Maxx perf helix and clutch kit, 1 inch paddle 96 picks and runs great, and only have done regular servicing. I was told after lake running sounded like my secondary clutches wear not engaging like they should. So with the mods i have and her high mi what direction should go/work well with what i have. I dont want to overpower and/or create more problems. Any and all input will be helpful...Thanks...
With that mileage you should check both clutches out, as in disassemble,clean everything and check bushing,rollers and everything else for wear.The bushings in the secondary can get pretty wooped out with that kind of mileage let alone the rolers which could be causing the problem you've described.I'd also be curious to know when it had pistons and rings last, if its never had that stuff done its definetely due.V-force reed petals don't last very long so depending on the mileage it might not hurt to check those out also.
Thanks for the reply, after talking with someone about the problem. I am going to have bushings,spring(s) etc. replaced found the #s for the helix but dont know in what order thay should be (0369) to tell size? can the petals for reeds just be replaced? what is the average cost for pistons and rings? first time for all this...Thanks...
Not sure what to tell you on the helix, Pioneer Performance sells a roller secondary that looks almost identical to those.Yes the reed petals can be replaced,but I have no knowledge on cost or availability of v-force stuff.I redid the topend on my sx-r this last fall and had about 400 bucks into everything including shipping.This was pistons,rings,wristpins,circlips,head gaskets and base gasket.I bought my stuff from yamaha parts depot, www.yamahapartsdepot.com there a little slow, but had the best price, I believe it was hundreds less than my local dealer.If you need any more help ask away as this is a good bunch of guys who are glad to help.
Thanks, $400 sounds pretty good, as reading some these posts I am at the the right place. Was also thinking going 136 track and upgrade skis after im done with motor, thanks again...
Also find some bore gauges and check out the cylinders if you end up redoing the topend.If you don't have what you need a machine shop or maybe a dealer could help you out, the nicasil coating is very hard, but you might just as well make sure the clearances are good when its apart.A 136" skid is a very nice upgrade and simmons skis work awesome on that setup and help with the push of a longer track.A different suspension would be alot better to 136" than your stock one, M-10's are nice,but don't hookup real great and a sc-10 3,a Polaris iq or edge skidframe would work great also among others.Besides if your stock skid hasn't had much maintenance in all those miles its due and it would end up being cheaper to put something else in there anyways.
