Who do you send motor too for repair?


New member
May 2, 2003
Hamilton, NJ
2000 SRX with a piston (pipe side) that was frozen into the jug

Wristpin was yanked right from the piston.

Want to send the crank out to see if it is damaged. Who do you send it to?
Patrick ,you could have those two cylinders repaired and re-nicasyled and get
all your crankshaft repairs done at www.atalieradrienbernard.com
they are in Quebec and they are very good and fast,they waranty their
work,they are a big family outfit,they do all the repairs on cylinder and some crankshaft and crankcase repairs for
bombardier and others in Canada and they ship everywere and are not
expensive at all and with your U.S. dollar you will be ahead by a good
margin,check them out,we send them things on Monday and many times
it is back for Friday or before.
