Active member
i bought a set of 45-7 heel clickers from a member of this site. they were used but in like near new condition....can hardly tell they are used....yeah, that clean. 2 of the 3 weights have the bushing hole manufactured in them on an angle, so the weight swings on an angle. WTF?? the bushing is fine and tight on the pin, so its not a worn bushing. you can clearly see that the amount of material isn't equal around the perimeter of the bushing to the weight, so the hole is offset a little and angled. Know what i mean??? when you put a pin in the weight, you can see its thru the weight on an angle. so, i called heel clicker today and talked to randy nouis the owner, about warranty against a manufacturer defect, which the instructions clearly say there is. he said that he will not warranty them. he said that he made those weights for 11yrs and never had a warranty issue or anything wrong w/them ever. that doesn't mean that there can't be a bad weight or two go out the door, not to mention that some people probably didn't look at there set as closely as i did. just because nothing has gone wrong for a while, doesn't mean that nothing will ever go wrong, or can't go wrong. he also was very rude and would interupt me while i was explaining the situation to him. i told him that when i send the weights to him for him to inspect, that he would see what i'm talking about. he said that its a waste of time, cause he won't even look at them. what an ***!! then he proceeded to say that he won't warranty them, and then he just hung up on me. WTF kind of customer support/help is this?? i will never buy one of his products again and will be sure to have a chat w/him at this years snow show. anyone else have trouble w/his piss poor customer service?
I tried contacting them several times to get a red spring for my kit. Never responded to my messages or emails.
Active member
stein700sx said:I tried contacting them several times to get a red spring for my kit. Never responded to my messages or emails.
yeah, that randy is a POS. after seeing how he won't even contact you to make a sale on a red spring that you need, it doesn't surprise me how he treated me today on the phone. hey stein, his great customer support makes you just want to buy more of his stuff and continue to put money in his pocket, doesn't you?? (being sarcastic). another reason i love my heavy hitter stuff. they are great/friendly to deal w/and my heavy hitter weights and hardware, never vary more than .1g from part to part. my heavy hitter stuff will vary like .3g to .4g from weight to weight and such. JUNK!!
I tried for 3 weeks to get a 38 helix for my heel-x roller o answer no call backs
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maxdlx said:I tried for 3 weeks to get a 38 helix for my heel-x roller o answer no call backs
OMG!! so, it looks like this guy has piss poor business managing skills. must be a trend w/this randy douchebag nouis.
Heard about the same thing on another site about the very same issue that you are describing! On the other site the guys there finally gave up after not getting anywhere with him. The snowmobile community needs to hit this clown where it hurts and put him out of business. Sorry, but I DO NOT take being treated like sh!t very lightly. I am not a vicious person but I have heard this story one to many times now, I jsut thought it was a personal issue on the other site.
I have one of his kits in my trailer and used his set up notes to try to get it to work for me and went back to using the stock weights and springs with better results.
I have one of his kits in my trailer and used his set up notes to try to get it to work for me and went back to using the stock weights and springs with better results.
Active member
After they came out with the hammer time weights they would not answer there phones for all the calls about them busting the little hammer off.

give it to him,I hate people that are not customer friendly about their product.Such BS and this dude deserves to be put out of business for sure.Maybe he can't get it from wife anymore so he takes it out on the customers...potential customers that is..what a dick !!!!

hey mopar..that is why I come on here everyday..never a dull moment around here.lollll..But there sure are some sick people that work for companies that are not people friendly.I had an old boss like that.I was a saleman for the company.I remember a customer coming in to look at samples.I told the boss earlier there was a customer that asked to many stupid questions.Well when this guy showed up and started asking away,the BOSS noticed and came marching up to the guy.He told him,,,I think you are really wasting our time,you have been down to many times and we don't want your leave..and then the Boss walked away.The customer said to your Boss always that way..I got him on his good day.The guy then left..
There are some people that don't care about customer relations I guess.
There are some people that don't care about customer relations I guess.
Active member
Sxr700Bandit said:Heard about the same thing on another site about the very same issue that you are describing! On the other site the guys there finally gave up after not getting anywhere with him. The snowmobile community needs to hit this clown where it hurts and put him out of business. Sorry, but I DO NOT take being treated like sh!t very lightly. I am not a vicious person but I have heard this story one to many times now, I jsut thought it was a personal issue on the other site.
I have one of his kits in my trailer and used his set up notes to try to get it to work for me and went back to using the stock weights and springs with better results.
yeah, i've seen a couple of his setups work for $hit too. there are setups out there that use OEM weights, that will beat his weights up and down the block. so bandit, there was another site w/a fellow getting the same thing as me?? maybe he's got a bug up his arse lately??
Active member
bluemonster1 said:give it to him,I hate people that are not customer friendly about their product.Such BS and this dude deserves to be put out of business for sure.Maybe he can't get it from wife anymore so he takes it out on the customers...potential customers that is..what a dick !!!!
i'd love to put those weights on him, where the sun don't shine.....LOL.
This was a year or two ago(on HCS) that someone mentioned that the mounting holes were machined on an angle and contacted Randy and Randy told that individual that the weights were probably damaged by the owner and they were trying to get a free repalcement product for owner/operator error among other excuses. The individual stated that when he put the weights in his clutch that he noticed the mis-alignment and tried to contact H-C to see if these weights possibly got out the door accidentially. The owner was obviously upset that you spend that kind of hard earned coin on a supposidly good product and are basically buying junk. I have heard numerous stories about clutches grenading with H-C parts installed in them and destroying hoods and belly pans along with people narrowly escaping great bodily harm.mopar1rules said:yeah, i've seen a couple of his setups work for $hit too. there are setups out there that use OEM weights, that will beat his weights up and down the block. so bandit, there was another site w/a fellow getting the same thing as me?? maybe he's got a bug up his arse lately??
What I didn't care for with the H-C product was I had to stand on the clutch cover(lack of proper clutch tools) to be able to install the engagement spring. To me I told myself how in the hell are these six 6mm bolts going to hold back all of that pressure? Kinda reminds me of thstorms sled...(live Grenade)
New member
This all sucks, as his weights can be awsome.I know Turk,Mr. Viper and others swear by them, but i realize there tricky to dial in.I spoke with him and his wife at the Novi snow show and they were super nice and answered all my questions, must have been a fluke huh Lol!I have been considering trying a set of the original Heel Clickers but after hearing about all these customer service issues I may try a set of Heavy Hitters or Thunder Shift weights instead.
x2 on the heavy hitters, great customer support
Active member
SWEDE said:This all sucks, as his weights can be awsome.I know Turk,Mr. Viper and others swear by them, but i realize there tricky to dial in.I spoke with him and his wife at the Novi snow show and they were super nice and answered all my questions, must have been a fluke huh Lol!I have been considering trying a set of the original Heel Clickers but after hearing about all these customer service issues I may try a set of Heavy Hitters or Thunder Shift weights instead.
you'll have better customer support w/fett bros (heavy hitters).
New member
Ok, you'd deal with them before dealing directly with Thunder Products?Do you think the heavy hitters would be a good weight for my 700 redhead, its stock with the the popular mods from here and a fresh topend.It seems to be overevving with the stock weights fully loaded so I thought something like this would be good plus no more pounding rivets!
SWEDE said:Ok, you'd deal with them before dealing directly with Thunder Products?Do you think the heavy hitters would be a good weight for my 700 redhead, its stock with the the popular mods from here and a fresh topend.It seems to be overevving with the stock weights fully loaded so I thought something like this would be good plus no more pounding rivets!
ive always just thunder products. len always talks me through my problems and it makes sense too.
New member
Cool thanks for the input,I've heard of Len in snowtech magazine several times over the years.
he doesnt just say oh you need my product ya know. he explains why you need it in a friendly way.
Active member
stein700sx said:I tried contacting them several times to get a red spring for my kit. Never responded to my messages or emails.
did you just give up now?