Phazer Coil


New member
Jan 26, 2010
I'm new to two wire coils.Was wondering if it was possible for a two wire coil to fire on only one side.I ask because the coil on my sled (it's a Kimpex) has loads of spark on the PTO side and on the MAG side it's weak to no spark.What do ya all think bad coil?
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try swapin the plugs, if the same problem try swapin resistors in end of coil wire...
Thats a good sign the coil is going bad. I replaced my coil due to the same issue. Fixed the problem.
Ya,I thought that might be the trouble.Looks like I may be paying Royal Distributing a visit..Damn looks like I'd better save some cash.
big-kid said:
try swapin the plugs, if the same problem try swapin resistors in end of coil wire...

^^^^^^^^ Swap the resistors before you buy a coil - the part on the end of the wire that fits on the spark plug. There are resistors in them. They will unscrew from the wire.
Changed both of the plug caps...seams to have solved the problem.It's so easy to overlook the little things. ;)!
