A bud of mine asked me to put a H-C kit in his 2000 SX-R 700 which was pretty straight forward for me as I've tinkered with my SRX equipped with H-C's for years now.I pulled his primary off and took it apart to find a broken spring and a somewhat stuck sliding sheave,it was very tight on the spider,but otherwise ok.Well he took it for a ride with the new clickers and now he tells me he lost some top end to the point where another bud with a stock V Max deluxe will go by him on top end.What he has told me is that it has all kinds of bottom end but at about 140km/h (85 mph) it falls flat where before with the stock broken parts!!! it would pull to 160km/h (100 mph).
I'm going to go look at it tomorrow night and verify a few things myself but other than changing to a multi angle helix,presently stock,what else could cause the drop in top end like that?The only thing done to it was the installation of the H-C's using the gray spring,only one in the kit,no gearing changes or secondary alterations.I've got a couple of helix's I could try in it but I'm not sure if the engine has the power to utilize them,ones my SRX one 47* and the other is a Hauck W (54/44 ?) one.
I'm going to go look at it tomorrow night and verify a few things myself but other than changing to a multi angle helix,presently stock,what else could cause the drop in top end like that?The only thing done to it was the installation of the H-C's using the gray spring,only one in the kit,no gearing changes or secondary alterations.I've got a couple of helix's I could try in it but I'm not sure if the engine has the power to utilize them,ones my SRX one 47* and the other is a Hauck W (54/44 ?) one.
Active member
did you notch his movable sheave, to allow the HC weight to not hit sheave, when it gets near full shift? what's your current sx-r setup? also, most people have seen to have the best luck w/the HC red spring.
The weights are the Hammer time ones and don't require the sheave to be notched.I have a spare red spring I could try in it but as for the way they are weighted there is about 6.5 grams in the heel and the other holes are empty.I figured it would be over revving a lot on top end but from what my bud has told me it's around 8600 so actually it only has to come down about 2-300.