TSS struts on a Phazer II/Venture/ET410,how to change?

low slung

Active member
Feb 9, 2005
Had this tread in the FAQ section but it got no replys so i moved it here to get more viewing.My question is how much work is involved in removing the strut assembly in a 1996 ET410?(Phazer/Venture from this era had the same front struts).Pretty sure the struts are past there prime because i just replaced the rear shocks and what a difference(old shocks were frozen with over 12000KMs on them).Do you just remove the four bolts at the base of the strut in the hood while the sled is supported at the front then pull up on the strut?Or do you need to take apart the snap-rings on the outside along with this procedure?Would be glad to hear from someone who replaced struts on a 1990s Phazer II with there insight ;)! .
Yes, just pull the cans off. There is a spring and shock absorber inside.
Replaced the struts last week with new KIMPEX ones(struts were half the price of the YAMAHA ones).Easy task.The old struts were shot,front end much higher with the new ones.Had to use a small metric allen key on the bottom of the ski mount on the strut to remove it.Glad i had that allen key.Can,t wait until next winter to give the ET 410 a good run.
A few days ago i got the et 410 out to test the new struts&rear shocks,man what a difference.It was like a whole new snowmobile in the bumps and moguls.Much better ride and control.Anybody who has a older yamaha with lots of miles on the stock struts should check out the kimpex struts,there well worth the price($89.95CDN each).
-To remove the strut lift the front of the sled just off the ground then, First, loosen the two the ski holder nuts and Second back out the allen screw then, tap the ski holder down off the strut shaft. Then remove the top rubber cap and loosen the 3 nuts and the two shaft nuts. Next remove the four corner 10mm bolts holding the strut can then simply slide the strut out the top.
