2010 Vector gt or ltx

Brian 90

New member
Feb 6, 2010
First of all I am new to the forums and to Yamaha 4 stroke sleds. Looking at purchasing a leftover 2010 vector short track or long track. I am 5'-11" and 200 lbs. I am not a laid back rider but not overly agrressive. The trail riding I do is in the UP of Michigan. Not many times when your off the trail. How do the short/long track sleds compare as a whole like handling turning ect and what are the pros and cons to each. Please fill me in.
I have of a 136" skidframe in my '01 sx-r and love it.The better ride with the bump bridging of the longer track the traction and overall stability are awsome, all this would apply to the vector.There really aren't any huge cons to this as far as I'm concerned and the only time it feels long and cumbersome is on really tight trails going slow through the woods and even this is splitting hairs.I ride the up also and that ltx would be hard to beat in those conditions.I may never go back to a short track again after running a 136" for a few seasons.P.s if you register on the 4 stroke side you may get more help on specific stuff than here on the smoker side.
