2001 road star 1600 question


New member
May 3, 2003
gaylord, MI
I'm looking at a 2001 Road Star 1600 that is in excellent condition and runs great but it has high miles (going on 100,000). A guy I work with used to work at a Yamaha dealer and he said he has seen a few with more miles than that (one was over 200,000) and that the mileage shouldn't be a concern if it has been maintained. Anyone have any experience with these bikes? What would you think it's worth (it has about $2000 in aftermarket installed on it)?


edit: the transmission recall was done at around 60,000 miles.

I bought a 2000 Roadstar Siverado brand new, paid $10,000, did all my own service kept it completely stock, never had to do a thing to it except oil changes and new tires. Gave me 5 years of great riding put over 39,000 miles and ended up trading for a 05 Roadstar Silverado dealer gave me $7500 on trade, it was in excellent shape though. I rode the 05 for 17,000 miles put a few performance extras on and loved it, eneded up trading that for my current 06 Stratoliner S which has 24,563 miles on it and has a few extras and has never had a problem. Also traded my 05 with same dealer which gave me $10,000 for it. I can't say how much the one you are looking at is worth without looking at it and hearing it or driving it, but don't worry about the miles because with that many miles I'm sure it was maintained. Bikes aren't like sleds they last alot longer.
