New member
Nothing pisses me off more than driving down a trail and seeing empty pop, water bottles on the ground how f***in hard is it to pack it out with you? You brought it out there in the first place why not keep it and put it in the garbage where it belongs... Thanks for letting me vent.
New member
ya know funny you posted this i seen the same thing last week up north around here but what pissed me off was it wasn't pop cans but all BEER!!! so ok now im cruising trails with dumb @ss drunks??? wtf i tell ya i was pissed and nervous.
trails are going to get closed all the dumb @ss fools littering come on....
trails are going to get closed all the dumb @ss fools littering come on....
I didn't notice any more liter in the UP this year on our trip, but what I did notice was alot more bar to bar riders. No snow down south drives them all north. We tried to be done by dark just for that reason. Maxdlx
I went out for a ride yesterday from marquette to munising and I saw a pop bottle on the trail as well as a few beer cans on the side of the trail. I picked up the beer cans because they were close to my truck. Plus im a broke college student and can cash them in for 10 cents!
Oh another thing that bugs me is empty oil bottles on the side of the trail, Ive see quite a few this year so far. Its not that hard to throw them in the back of your sled and throw them away at your next stop.
Oh another thing that bugs me is empty oil bottles on the side of the trail, Ive see quite a few this year so far. Its not that hard to throw them in the back of your sled and throw them away at your next stop.
New member
People are just dam slobs. It really pisses me off to see this crap on the trail. This stuff is being left there by the true low-lifes we have to deal with in our sport. Every year, the club I belong to has to clean the trail system when the snow is gone and the trail markers are being brought in. Every year there is enough crap hauled off the trail system to fill the back of 2 to 3 pickup trucks. Leaving this trash on the trail has pissed off landowners to the point where we have lost trails and it also gives the environmental agencies the ammunition they need to close trails.
Those damb pooers&dooers&cattsies......
New member
Some people I tell ya.....It also bugs me when people don't dim their lights when you meet them on the trail at night.....I always do it out of common courtesy, but when people don't dim theirs aswell, I turn my bright back on.....