My sled came back from the shop and one of the things they did was tighten the ring gear which stopped a ringing noise. 3-5 hours later is is back again, so I assume the ring gear is loose again. I guess they did not loctite the bolts. I will be back up north this this something easy to do or do I need special tools?
Pop off the primary with a puller and put locktite on the six little allen button head bolts
I have a gear puller that would not fit in this I guess I need a special puller? No way to get at these allen bolts with the TC in place? Also have a steering wheel type puller which can use three or two bolts. This also seems a little tight. How tight is the bolt typically? Reverse thread? Loctite required?
If not, what type of puller is needed.
If not, what type of puller is needed.
yes your going to have to remove the primary and no your gonna need the yamaha clutch puller to pop it off.
check the local yamaha dealer, puller is only like $30-$50 or you can get it from denis kirk or the likes there of. go back where they just did it and tell them to lend you him puller so you can do it yourself to make sure it gets done right this time.
check the local yamaha dealer, puller is only like $30-$50 or you can get it from denis kirk or the likes there of. go back where they just did it and tell them to lend you him puller so you can do it yourself to make sure it gets done right this time.
New member
I cant believe them yo yos wouldn't have put lt on..... 

If they pull it off, any problems with re-install? Is the center hub torqued to 145ft lbs? How do you hold the crank shaft? Hard to imagine they would not use locktite....hoping nothing is stripped.
New member
no, no problems,pull it off do your thing then re install, torque to 85 ft.lbs loosen bolt re torque to 43 done.ekmoor said:If they pull it off, any problems with re-install? Is the center hub torqued to 145ft lbs? How do you hold the crank shaft? Hard to imagine they would not use locktite....hoping nothing is stripped.
Millinocket Rocket
New member
Sometimes the screw holes get stripped if its been rattling around for a while, or the holes in the ring gear get oblonged. If the ring gear holes aren't bad, you might get away with getting NEW screws & locktite them. Keep the clutch inside your house overnight to make sure the locktite sets up real good before running it.
you might be able to rotate the clutch and do them 1 by one by turning the primary. not sure on this but the only other way is to buy a puller or borrow one.
Hoping a shortened allen wrench will fit in there...I guess we will see this weekend.
Torque wrench, red loctite and allen wrenches.
If I end up pulling of the TC, the center bolt comes out, pull the TC. I thought the manual says something about the center hub having to turn off? Is the center bolt reverse thread? long should this take to pop off considering it was off a week ago?
Torque wrench, red loctite and allen wrenches.
If I end up pulling of the TC, the center bolt comes out, pull the TC. I thought the manual says something about the center hub having to turn off? Is the center bolt reverse thread? long should this take to pop off considering it was off a week ago?
Millinocket Rocket
New member
No, the center bolt is not reverse thread...take this out, then the clutch puller tool looks like a longer bolt with no threads on the last few inches-- this screws into the same hole the bolt came out of. Tighten it till the whole clutch pops off-- put a broomstick handle or something wood thru the openings in the clutch to keep it from spinning.
Thanks for the help....sounds like this will be easy.

Super Moderator
I have been doing a lot of reasearch on e-starts as i am getting ready to put one on my XT and viper. It seems that a common problem is the ring gear bolts loosening. The directions say that it is a must to let the lock tight s/u for 24 hours in a warm place before using to make sure it s/u right. Must have been said 10 during all my online reading!!
New member
well yea,it says right on the bottle it needs 24 hrs cure time. Every body's in too much of a hurry these days and think 10 mins is good to go.
Active member
Can u use permatex high strength red.? Does it have to be the 648 stuff?
rule number 1 with loctite......the threade need to be clean. use contact cleaner to clean the bolts and the holes before reinstallation or it will NOT hold. Make sure everything is clean and dry before you put the bolts back in. and yes at least let this set up over night. I would use the red personally. The dealership sells loctite as well but it is labeled yamabond or something like that.
Active member
pipdviper said:rule number 1 with loctite......the threade need to be clean. use contact cleaner to clean the bolts and the holes before reinstallation or it will NOT hold. Make sure everything is clean and dry before you put the bolts back in. and yes at least let this set up over night. I would use the red personally. The dealership sells loctite as well but it is labeled yamabond or something like that.
Why do they recommend using high temp 648 green stuff then?
Not sure. I am guessing because the clutch picks up some high temps at low speeds would be my guess. I know MSC and Fastenall carry loctite products if you wanted to use the recommended grade. I wouldn't think it would get hot enough to deactivate the red but who knows, Im not quite sure what temps the sheave reach.
Clutch popped right off...all the bolts were ruined and the ring gear holes were oblong. Replaced bolts and red applied....leaving to dry for a few days prior to install. See how long it stays tight.