your thoughts


New member
Dec 30, 2008
Sault Ste Marie
a 2004 viper mountain with 620 miles what would it be worth? It looks like it is in great shape but the guy seems to me anyways to be asking way to much 5800 canadian.

Thanks for any input,
I don't know if it makes much difference, but I just bought a 2003 Viper Mtn with 1500 miles, a Team Secondary, SLP can, Holzman ATACC, stretched to a 151 with Mountain Performance stuff. for 3400 US. Pretty good deal I thought, it was cherry aswell.
Couple of things. 04 Vipers are heard to find. Low mileage Vipers are even harder to find. Low mileage 04 Mtn Vipers probaly even tougher to find in Canada. Not sure why but we Canucks like to pay more for our sleds as well. :o| I've seen 06 Attaks for as low as $6800 around here with a minimum of 4k miles. So if take everything into consideration, its not out of line but its not a "steal of a deal".
^ what he said. Its not a steal of a price but its not over the top. That is really low miles for a 2004, about half of an average season, although try to beat him down some on the price, thats the high end of what its worth IMO.
