Yamaha Exciter Bogging Issue


New member
Dec 16, 2009
I have another question for all the sledheads on here. My 1992 Yamaha Exciter II LE started bogging horribly all of a sudden the other day. I was riding along, the sled was running fine. I stopped at an intersection, crossed the road and then......BOG! I stopped, the sled idled fine, I tried to accelerate and the sled bogged and struggled to gain any speed. I limped the sled to a road and ended up trailering her home. The bog was worse going up a hill, the sled barely made it up. First thing I did was check the compression. I had 122/122, so good compression in both cylinders. I took the belt off, started up the sled. The sled reved great and seemed to accelerate with no problem. The primary clutch seemed to operate correctly compressing and de-compressing with the rev of the motor. I put the belt back on and ran the sled with the back end up in the air. The sled seemed to rev fine and accelerate the track. I put the sled on the ground and went for a spin on the sled, horrible bog again. So the sled seems bog when I am riding it. Am I right in assuming I have some type of a clutch issue here? Is it a secondary clutch issue because the primary clutch seemed to operate correctly when the belt was off? Another thing I noticed is the belt deflection is greater now then it was. It used to be a lot tougher to take the belt on and off the clutches and the secondary seems to have a lot more play on the shaft then it used to. Ever since this bog showed up, my belts go on and off the clutches much easier. Bearing issue? Clutch spring issue? Anyone have any ideas? Thanks for any help, this website and all its members are awesome!
I forgot to mention that I did clean both clutches...TWICE really well, brake cleaner the first time, soap and water and air pressure the second time. I even scored up the clutches with some emery cloth. Still a bogging issue. HELP!!!
Did you open up the secondary and see if the spring has jumped out of the right holes?Also rock the sec around and see if there is play in the bearing behind it.
The secondary has a lot of play in it in all directions. A Lot more then i remember it ever having. Bearing issue? Is that tough to fix?
