Phazer carb bowl leak


New member
Dec 22, 2009
The Mag side carb bowl on my phazer is leaking. I have the carbs where the bowl bolt is what the main jet screws into. Anyway is there anything more than that thin washer to seal this up? I just had them apart and cleaned them, tried to tighten the bolt up more but don't want to go crazy. And the pto side carb does not leak at all with the same set up. I am going tomorrow to pick up some new washers for these. Is there any other tricks out there? An actual gasket to use? Thanks in advance.
You over-tighted the jet bolt. You have warped the bowl. Remove the bowl and lightly tap on the area where the jet bolt goes through the bowl from the inside with a punch.
It happens alot. Replace the washer on the bolt and the O-ring where the bowl seals to the carb.
Be careful not to overtighen'.
if its not warped the bowl o-ring needs replaced. this is up in the carb where the bowl seats. mine leaked too and i just removed the o-ring and flipped it over for a temporary fix...

the o-ring is more if a square type o-ring
I did some more tests last night. Bolt on the bottom is sealing. Looks like its the o ring above the bowl. I really didn't want to pull those carbs again but looks like I will have to. So that is a square ring huh, I just picked up a couple that are round, I guess those won't work. I will try to do the flip trick.

On that note, wouldn't the float level prevent leaking from around that seal? Just seems like the fuel wouldn't get that high. Maybe it does, I am just thinking out loud.

Thanks for the replies.
snomoguy said:
You over-tighted the jet bolt. You have warped the bowl. Remove the bowl and lightly tap on the area where the jet bolt goes through the bowl from the inside with a punch.
It happens alot. Replace the washer on the bolt and the O-ring where the bowl seals to the carb.
Be careful not to overtighen'.

X2 ! I use a quarter sized dial rod to flatten the carb bowl bottom !
UPDATE: I pulled the carbs and to my surprise the pto side needle was wedged stuck. Strangest thing I have seen. Float level was perfect when I installed them. The needle was holding the float and everything wide open. I kinda fixed that. Because I didn't know what caused it I just cleaned everything again and reassembled. Then I flipped the orings and reinstalled everything. I was really happy I was able to get the carbs out and everything back together in 2.5 hours so I didn't try to start it yet. I didn't want to ruin my evening. I will post again if the problem is fixed. Thanks everyone.
