00 srx 700 secondary


Dec 10, 2009
Iron Mountain Michigan
My secondary slips when i hit the power the first couple times, I started some threads on here before about setting my secondary its set on 6-2 with a hauck helix and a red spring when i set it in the spring holes i turned it just enough to get the helix would go on the studs, does it need to be wound tighter than that? I also cleaned the hell out of the whole clutch it is spotless. All my ramps are smooth so it can't be sticking there. The belt is new it is a yamaha belt. But after i get it warmed up and ride around for a bit it doesnt seem to slip at all i can mash on it all the time and it doesn't slip. I'm becomming very confused. Ive dont know if it sounds crazy but do the clutches need to warm up?
Your hauck helix is probably very aggressive & it will need a green secondary spring at 60 wrap at least to stop the slipping.
that helix is a 52/47. also, haucks red spring is way taller than a stock oem red spring, so waaayyy more side pressure. if i remember, 6-2 positions w/hauck red spring is like 30*?? i'll have to go out to shop and check. how come so steep of a helix for powder riding?
no powder ridding just beating my buddies! haha this is how I got it my boss had the helix and spring on his 98 srx 600, and when he was selling it... he told me
I could take anything I want off of it for my 00 srx 700 my srx was bone stock... so I swaped the secondaries and took the ohlins shocks off of his.. I have no idea what the numbers ment till now im starting to learn the settings I know you add the 2 together and that is your rap times 10 and the spring is brand new I just broke one and put in a new red one because thats what was in it and yes it is much taller... he gave me the stock helix and stock spring in a box to have for a spare I dont know if thats a good setting or not I wrote hauck and they told me 9-2 but it dint seem to get up and go as much as this 6-2 setting does... ok so 52/47 is what the helix angles are? is that for drag racing? I have no idea what them numbers mean im all new to these yamahas but i love them!!!
52/47 simply means the degrees that the helix ramps are. the 1st # is the start angle and the last # is the finish angle. some helix manufacturers have their angle "progressive" which means that the angle is constantly changing at an even rate. i know for sure, that w/the hauck red spring, you don't add the 2 #'s and multiply by 10, to get the amount of preload in deg. that spring, along w/goodwin black and many others, are wierd like that.
alright thanks i talked to my boss and he was big into gettin the best out of the hole and he said to set it at 3-3 havent tried it yet when i go to set it on the 3-3 it feels to easy and like theres not enough tension when placing it on the studs and the reason i go with the 6-2 is because it feels about right when twisting it on do you have a recomendation for a set up i really dont care for top speed my self here but 0-80 in no time would be awsome
my 00 srx is clutched stock and the clutches are in good shape but it has the same slipping problem. then when it warms up like after a half hour of riding, it seems to stop or pretty much stop anyway. I dunno what the hells goin on Ive tried everything.
A good way to check if your clutch slip is to drive for a while and pop the and feel the clutches with your bare hand. You should be able to hold on to your secondary without burning!
