98 srx 700 clutching


New member
Oct 24, 2009
Manitoba, Canada
I would like to do some clutching work to my recently purchased srx. It has 8500 miles on it and the previous owner says he never changed any clutching components. I looked up Turks suggestion and I find this "48/42 Helix, 89a-10 w/4.5g rivet in 1st hole and .8g in tip, 2-3 engagement shims, b-w-b primary spring, stock secondary spring" (98-99 srx700 trail/lake). I have a few questions:
1) Where do you purchase these items. Would a Yamaha dealer carry a multi-angle helix. I am located in Manitoba, Canada.
2) I am 225 pounds, should my clutch weights be a little different than those suggested above.
3) I found a clutch kit on a Bender racing web page http://www.benderracing.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=CK9870-CK2070
Would this clutch kit be similar to Turks suggestion. Would anyone recommend it?
Thanks for any help.
DO NOT BUY A BENDER CLUTCH KIT!! they suck!! turks setup will outperform. multi angle helixs can be purchased from a number of aftermarket companies....

goodwin performance
pioneer performance
bender racing
dalton industries
hauck powersports
hartman inc
cb performance
ullmer racing


the b/w/b spring that turk says to use, is a yamaha spring. part #90501-583L0-00
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Thanks for the replies. Would the 89a-10 weight also be sold by the aftermarket companies listed above? Would they also sell the rivets? Or do you go to your local yamaha dealer? Does anyone know if Turks rivet suggestions assume a specific rider weight?
yamaha dealer weight or maybe someone got something for sale in the classifieds section ...it will be test and error for the rivits...all depend what helix u select
alright im new on this site got a couple ?'s. i have a 98 srx 700 just cleaned the pv's and rough adjusted them bk in but still have the hessitation to the line start up what could the problem b??? anyone with ideas would b greatly appreciated
and another ?. my temp light flashes at me but dosn't stay on just flashes when im riping pretty good any idea y this is?
