New member
I disconnected the bar between the trailing arms too see if differnt feel for carving could be achevied i think i like it off any of you cut these off likes or dislike info before i cut it off would be appreciated thanks zigzag
i prefer them off for mountain riding, and have removed several. on the bulkhead you will see a bracket with four rivets where the stabilizer bar passes through. behind the bracket are two plastic pieces that hold the bar. when the bar is removed, a void is left. i always make a cap for this hole to keep snow from entering. simply remove the four rivets, bracket and plastic, use the bracket for a template, and make a cover for the hole, riveting it back on. i have made the covers from both aluminum and plexiglass.
New member
Awesome I havent thaught that far ahead but will remember to plug hole with somthing
three out of four rivets per side are easy to remove. the fourth, well, you will see. a sharp chisel will be your friend. if you want to see how it feels before hacking it out, just unbolt the dogbone on one side to "un-couple" the front and give it a ride.
New member
Best info I've received on this subject in different threads is using a cut-off wheel. 10 seconds per side, plug the holes and you're done.
thats my preferred method!
YooperMike said:Best info I've received on this subject in different threads is using a cut-off wheel. 10 seconds per side, plug the holes and you're done.
New member
Thank you all for your input it took about 45 seconds with a cut off wheel and a little tug it came right out little silicone on the holes much easier to pull to side to side on one ski carving is 75-80 % easier thanks again
New member
Used high end sawzaw blades and took way too long and destroyed too many blades. I'd also try the cut off wheel next time.
New member
What was trail riding like with the sway bar removed?
Active member
What was trail riding like with the sway bar removed?
That is what I am wondering.