Riding with no limiter straps


Active member
Nov 7, 2004
mid mich.
Here somthin i dont see everyday ...went riding last weekend with a guy that had no limiter straps on his srx... claimed it wheelied really good and was more fun to ride! seems like he's asking for a track stab thru or worse...what do you guys think?
It will also wear the slides very quickly this way and will be very tippy in the corners.Fast tried it on there first Airwave suspension and it didn't work very well for the very reasons I've listed.
Sounds like a real bad day coming for Mr Nostrap.
I was noticing on my 04 that when checking the track tention and centering, that my rail "tip covers" tap heavy on the track windows and clips, while rotating between setting changes. I have checked limiting strap settings and all seams spec.
My worry is that airborn(while jumping) I get the same tapping and just don't hear it?
I had the limit straps on my 97 topped out. Had the front shock come apart. My guess is that the shock was topping out all the time and was the only thing stopping the suspension travel. Over time this caused premature failure.
